• Praise & Tech Ministry

    Instrumentalists, Vocalists, Audio Techs, Visual Techs... All of these people come together to form an atmosphere conducive to the move of the Holy Spirit. The job of the praise team is to usher people into the presence of God

    Interested in joining the team? Email us

  • Women's Ministry

    Women of Purpose, is a wonderful place for women of all ages to grow in Christ through learning and fellowship. The women's ministry meets several times during the year and is always up to something new and exciting!

    To contact our Women's Ministry team Email us

  • Men's Ministry

    Our Men's ministry meets several times during the year, and works with men of ages 18 & up to go deeper in their walk with God. The men meet regularly in Iron Men Groups that are currently focused on their identity in Christ. Ali, Big Dave, and Pastor Jonathan are leading groups in March 2025.

    To contact our Men's Ministry team Email us

  • Mission's

    We have a dedicated team of prayer warriors, headed up by Jim and Mary, who meet and pray for our missionaries all around the world. Along with that, they receive news letters and updates from our missionaries and keep the church apprised of the vision and what God is doing in other nations! 

    For more info on our mission's giving, click HERE

  • Ushers & Greeters Ministry

    To make you feel welcome as you walk in the door, to help you find a seat when the Sanctuary is packed, to direct you to a classroom you keep getting turned around trying to find; and the most important part of the job, showing you where the bathroom is!  

    Whatever assistance you may need, our amazing team of Ushers and Greeters are there to do so with a smile. 

    For more information, Email us

  • Welcome Center

    To serve in our informational center, to greet first time visitors, to assist with finding appropriate classes and making sure everyone who walks in the door of our church has everything they need for that service... This is the duty of the Welcome Center volunteers. We have a wonderful team who does their best to ensure that everyone has the information required to make their visit to our campus as smooth as possible. 

    Interested in joining the team? Email us

  • Seeds of Hope Food Pantry

    Since the start of the food pantry in early 2021, Seeds of Hope has fed several THOUSANDS of local community families. With the help of donations and volunteers, every Saturday from 9-11, Seeds of Hope opens their doors to help the local community.

    For more information, Email us

  • The Institute

    Study and be eager and do your utmost to present yourself to God approved (tested by trial), a workman who has no cause to be ashamed, correctly analyzing and accurately dividing [rightly handling and skillfully teaching] the Word of Truth .

    2 Timothy 2:15 AMPC

    Come learn how to be Approved

    For more information, click HERE